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Learn more about IENA, first french group focuse in enterprise performance management
You are CFO, financial director or manager ?
Manage your growth, monitor your margins, control your working capital and treasury with out solutions
You are CIO, IT director or manager ?
Learn more about our innovative EPM approach and accelerated ready for use models
You are CFO, finance director or manager ?
Apply our approach to technology for the management of effective reporting and budgeting processes
Summary of Qualifications
IENA is a consulting firm specialized in Financial performance management
Performance Management
« 47% of companies do not have KPIs to control their key activities ».
An efficient management of performance should be instated to all the business functions within a company and should achieve a decision-driven management rather than remain reporting-driven. Measure, analyze and anticipate your performance for a better strategy alignment.
Do you control your payroll forecasts ?
During economic recessions, the use of technologies enhances the efficiency of HR management in controling performance and optimizing time spent on data anlysis. Measure and follow plan executions, control your information to support decisions.
Align financial performance with operational efficiency
Objective is to action your budget. The reporting set up must be cohesive with the mechanics of business operations. Shift the focus from a cost accounting perspective towards a broader operational and strategic performance perspective.